aka How we make it work (together)

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I believe content strategy is about storytelling, and stories need other people to tell the story with you. It relates to seeing and listening to the people who are affected and who will be impacted. It relates to practicing empathy and kindness to understand other perspectives before the sharing of ideas, products, or services.

Here is my approach to getting to your story…

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Together, we create messaging that is accessible, usable, and relevant to both your teams and your audiences

We consider individuals with varying abilities and circumstances when we’re developing your services and your messages

In that way, we create alignment with each other

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We work together to co-design your communications, processes, and strategies

There are no presentations, only co-creation calls and workshops

Our biggest goal is to co-create solutions that are relevant and resonate with your audience

We are in this together, let’s see what emerges

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I start by listening in order to discover who you are as an individual, as an organization, as a voice that needs to be shared

This also involves us being curious about each other as well as noticing and reflecting on our own perspectives, lived experiences, and biases

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We collaborate to set the scope, timing, and rhythm of the project so that it suits your work priorities

The aim of the project is to support your work and enable you to reach your goals, not add to your to-do list

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Everyone’s perspective and story counts and will be heard

By keeping an open mind, being curious, and listening deeply, we ensure that everyone feels valued, respected, and supported

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© Veda Impact Designs 2022

Illustrations by Mariana Gonzalez Vega & Isabela Humphrey