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<aside> ๐Ÿ“Œ This is a public declaration of some of the interesting things I've done or am doing.

Put another way, it's my answer to "What's been up with you?"


I currently look after SaaS Investments at Together. I'm an IIT (BHU) graduate ****& have previously helped Miten Sampat & Aakrit Vaish w/ angel investing where I got to be a small part of many early-stage startup journeys. Prior to that, I've also worked at Amazon Web Services as a Solutions Architect in the Public Sector team and have done some occasional angel investing.

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๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป ****Work experience

Amazon Web Services | Solutions Architect

IIoT Startup (Confidential) | Product Marketing

Lybrate | Product Management

Pfizer | Supply Chain

Reckitt Benckiser | R&D

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Selected Freelance Consulting Engagements:

UAE PE Firm (Confidential) | Consulting