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  1. MacBook Air 2018: Does all that I need it to do, both for personal & professional use
  2. One Plus 6: The best bang for buck phone out there, 2 years & still going strong
  3. Sony WH-1000XM4: The best ANC headphones in the market, truly magical experience
  4. iPad Mini + Apple Pencil: Super helpful for taking handwritten notes & sketch
  5. Mi Band 4: Reminds me that I don't sleep on time

Productivity software

  1. Hey: Easily saves me 7-10 minutes daily as I skim through my reading stack
  2. Brave Browser + uBlock Origin: I hate ads, trackers and Chrome
  3. Notion: This website is hosted on Notion, need I say more about how I organize my life on it?
  4. Simplify Gmail: Gmail UI sucks, turn this Chrome extension on to know just how much
  5. Grammarly: My co-author for almost everything that I write on the internet
  6. YouTube: My go-to MOOC for satiating my curiosity
  7. KIndle Cloud Reader: Reduces the need for me to carry another electronic gadget
  8. GoodNotes: I love to take handwritten notes, this helps me save paper
  9. Tactiq: I do a lot of VCs on Google Meet. Tactiq takes notes. We're a dope couple.
  10. Acts as my proxy in VCs that I cannot attend or don't want to
  11. Workflowy: The go-to app when I'm practicing systems thinking

My reading stack