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You need to click + and then select Multiple Select for it to be added to your template.

Once it's added, you can drag it and position it as you would with any component.

Similar to the Buttons component, the Multiple Select allows you to add option buttons when Create an in-app message (IAM) using the related template. This means the template view doesn't allow you to define the number of options available: you will add as many options as you want when creating the in-app message, not the template. We have implemented it this way to provide flexibility: you can have as many options as necessary for different in-app messages, without needing different templates for each of them.

Different to buttons, the Multiple Select buttons font, background, and border colors are defined in the template:

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The mockup view displays 2 buttons so you can visualize the positioning and spacing when several buttons are added to an in-app message. One of them will display the design for the unselected button and the other one will show how the button will appear when the option has been selected.

You can delete a Button component by clicking the "Delete" button, and add it again by clicking on the + button.


  1. Name: the name of your Multiple Select component.
  2. Direction: column stacks your buttons in column, row allows buttons to be inline. If you select row but don't see the buttons getting in line, you need to reduce their width.
  3. Font size: increase or reduce the size of the CTA. In px.
  4. Letter spacing: the space between letters. Generally 0px.
  5. Font family: the font used for this text component. Refer to the custom fonts section to see how to upload new fonts to your account.

Button style (unselected)

  1. Font color: Color of the text