Multi-sig, or multisignature, refers to a security feature in which more than one signature or authorization is required to complete a transaction. This is typically used in the context of cryptocurrency, where multi-sig is used to add an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to funds.

One of the main uses of multi-sig is to protect against the loss or theft of funds. For example, if a single individual has control over a cryptocurrency wallet, there is a risk that their private key could be lost or stolen, which would allow someone else to access the funds in the wallet. By using multi-sig, multiple private keys are required to access the funds, which reduces the risk of loss or theft.

Multi-sig can also be used to add an additional level of security to shared accounts or wallets. For example, a company may require multiple signatures from different employees before a transaction can be completed, in order to prevent any single individual from making unauthorized transactions.

Another use of multi-sig is in the creation of smart contracts. A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. By using multi-sig, it is possible to create smart contracts that require multiple signatures before they can be executed, which can add an additional level of security and accountability.

Multi-sig can also be used in the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). A DAO is a decentralized organization that is run on a blockchain and is governed by a set of rules encoded in smart contracts. By using multi-sig, it is possible to create DAOs that require multiple signatures before certain actions can be taken, which can help to ensure that decisions are made democratically and transparently.

One of the main benefits of multi-sig is that it adds an additional layer of security to transactions and accounts, which can help to prevent unauthorized access and protect against loss or theft. It is also a useful tool for creating accountability and transparency in shared accounts or organizations.

However, there are also some challenges to the use of multi-sig. One challenge is the complexity of setting up and using multi-sig, which may require a basic understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts. This could make it less accessible to the general public, and may limit its adoption in certain applications.

Another challenge is the potential for delays in transactions, as multiple signatures may be required before a transaction can be completed. This could impact the speed and efficiency of certain transactions, depending on the specific use case.

Overall, multi-sig is a useful security feature that can be used to add an additional layer of protection to transactions and accounts, and has a wide range of potential uses in the world of cryptocurrency and beyond. While there are some challenges to its adoption, its ability to enhance security and accountability make it an important development in the field.

pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

contract MultiSigWallet {

     *  Events
    event Confirmation(address indexed sender, uint indexed transactionId);
    event Revocation(address indexed sender, uint indexed transactionId);
    event Submission(uint indexed transactionId);
    event Execution(uint indexed transactionId);
    event ExecutionFailure(uint indexed transactionId);
    event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint value);
    event OwnerAddition(address indexed owner);
    event OwnerRemoval(address indexed owner);
    event RequirementChange(uint required);

     *  Constants
    uint constant public MAX_OWNER_COUNT = 50;

     *  Storage
    mapping (uint => Transaction) public transactions;
    mapping (uint => mapping (address => bool)) public confirmations;
    mapping (address => bool) public isOwner;
    address[] public owners;
    uint public required;
    uint public transactionCount;

    struct Transaction {
        address destination;
        uint value;
        bytes data;
        bool executed;

     *  Modifiers
    modifier onlyWallet() {
        require(msg.sender == address(this));

    modifier ownerDoesNotExist(address owner) {

    modifier ownerExists(address owner) {

    modifier transactionExists(uint transactionId) {
        require(transactions[transactionId].destination != 0);

    modifier confirmed(uint transactionId, address owner) {

    modifier notConfirmed(uint transactionId, address owner) {

    modifier notExecuted(uint transactionId) {

    modifier notNull(address _address) {
        require(_address != 0);

    modifier validRequirement(uint ownerCount, uint _required) {
        require(ownerCount <= MAX_OWNER_COUNT
            && _required <= ownerCount
            && _required != 0
            && ownerCount != 0);

    /// @dev Fallback function allows to deposit ether.
        if (msg.value > 0)
            Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

     * Public functions
    /// @dev Contract constructor sets initial owners and required number of confirmations.
    /// @param _owners List of initial owners.
    /// @param _required Number of required confirmations.
    function MultiSigWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required)
        validRequirement(_owners.length, _required)
        for (uint i=0; i<_owners.length; i++) {
            require(!isOwner[_owners[i]] && _owners[i] != 0);
            isOwner[_owners[i]] = true;
        owners = _owners;
        required = _required;

    /// @dev Allows to add a new owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
    /// @param owner Address of new owner.
    function addOwner(address owner)
        validRequirement(owners.length + 1, required)
        isOwner[owner] = true;

    /// @dev Allows to remove an owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
    /// @param owner Address of owner.
    function removeOwner(address owner)
        isOwner[owner] = false;
        for (uint i=0; i<owners.length - 1; i++)
            if (owners[i] == owner) {
                owners[i] = owners[owners.length - 1];
        owners.length -= 1;
        if (required > owners.length)

    /// @dev Allows to replace an owner with a new owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
    /// @param owner Address of owner to be replaced.
    /// @param newOwner Address of new owner.
    function replaceOwner(address owner, address newOwner)
        for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
            if (owners[i] == owner) {
                owners[i] = newOwner;
        isOwner[owner] = false;
        isOwner[newOwner] = true;

    /// @dev Allows to change the number of required confirmations. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
    /// @param _required Number of required confirmations.
    function changeRequirement(uint _required)
        validRequirement(owners.length, _required)
        required = _required;

    /// @dev Allows an owner to submit and confirm a transaction.
    /// @param destination Transaction target address.
    /// @param value Transaction ether value.
    /// @param data Transaction data payload.
    /// @return Returns transaction ID.
    function submitTransaction(address destination, uint value, bytes data)
        returns (uint transactionId)
        transactionId = addTransaction(destination, value, data);

    /// @dev Allows an owner to confirm a transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    function confirmTransaction(uint transactionId)
        notConfirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
        confirmations[transactionId][msg.sender] = true;
        Confirmation(msg.sender, transactionId);

    /// @dev Allows an owner to revoke a confirmation for a transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    function revokeConfirmation(uint transactionId)
        confirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
        confirmations[transactionId][msg.sender] = false;
        Revocation(msg.sender, transactionId);

    /// @dev Allows anyone to execute a confirmed transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    function executeTransaction(uint transactionId)
        confirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
        if (isConfirmed(transactionId)) {
            Transaction storage txn = transactions[transactionId];
            txn.executed = true;
            if (external_call(txn.destination, txn.value,,
            else {
                txn.executed = false;

    // call has been separated into its own function in order to take advantage
    // of the Solidity's code generator to produce a loop that copies into memory.
    function external_call(address destination, uint value, uint dataLength, bytes data) internal returns (bool) {
        bool result;
        assembly {
            let x := mload(0x40)   // "Allocate" memory for output (0x40 is where "free memory" pointer is stored by convention)
            let d := add(data, 32) // First 32 bytes are the padded length of data, so exclude that
            result := call(
                sub(gas, 34710),   // 34710 is the value that solidity is currently emitting
                                   // It includes callGas (700) + callVeryLow (3, to pay for SUB) + callValueTransferGas (9000) +
                                   // callNewAccountGas (25000, in case the destination address does not exist and needs creating)
                dataLength,        // Size of the input (in bytes) - this is what fixes the padding problem
                0                  // Output is ignored, therefore the output size is zero
        return result;

    /// @dev Returns the confirmation status of a transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    /// @return Confirmation status.
    function isConfirmed(uint transactionId)
        returns (bool)
        uint count = 0;
        for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++) {
            if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]])
                count += 1;
            if (count == required)
                return true;

     * Internal functions
    /// @dev Adds a new transaction to the transaction mapping, if transaction does not exist yet.
    /// @param destination Transaction target address.
    /// @param value Transaction ether value.
    /// @param data Transaction data payload.
    /// @return Returns transaction ID.
    function addTransaction(address destination, uint value, bytes data)
        returns (uint transactionId)
        transactionId = transactionCount;
        transactions[transactionId] = Transaction({
            destination: destination,
            value: value,
            data: data,
            executed: false
        transactionCount += 1;

     * Web3 call functions
    /// @dev Returns number of confirmations of a transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    /// @return Number of confirmations.
    function getConfirmationCount(uint transactionId)
        returns (uint count)
        for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
            if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]])
                count += 1;

    /// @dev Returns total number of transactions after filers are applied.
    /// @param pending Include pending transactions.
    /// @param executed Include executed transactions.
    /// @return Total number of transactions after filters are applied.
    function getTransactionCount(bool pending, bool executed)
        returns (uint count)
        for (uint i=0; i<transactionCount; i++)
            if (   pending && !transactions[i].executed
                || executed && transactions[i].executed)
                count += 1;

    /// @dev Returns list of owners.
    /// @return List of owner addresses.
    function getOwners()
        returns (address[])
        return owners;

    /// @dev Returns array with owner addresses, which confirmed transaction.
    /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
    /// @return Returns array of owner addresses.
    function getConfirmations(uint transactionId)
        returns (address[] _confirmations)
        address[] memory confirmationsTemp = new address[](owners.length);
        uint count = 0;
        uint i;
        for (i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
            if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]]) {
                confirmationsTemp[count] = owners[i];
                count += 1;
        _confirmations = new address[](count);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++)
            _confirmations[i] = confirmationsTemp[i];

    /// @dev Returns list of transaction IDs in defined range.
    /// @param from Index start position of transaction array.
    /// @param to Index end position of transaction array.
    /// @param pending Include pending transactions.
    /// @param executed Include executed transactions.
    /// @return Returns array of transaction IDs.
    function getTransactionIds(uint from, uint to, bool pending, bool executed)
        returns (uint[] _transactionIds)
        uint[] memory transactionIdsTemp = new uint[](transactionCount);
        uint count = 0;
        uint i;
        for (i=0; i<transactionCount; i++)
            if (   pending && !transactions[i].executed
                || executed && transactions[i].executed)
                transactionIdsTemp[count] = i;
                count += 1;
        _transactionIds = new uint[](to - from);
        for (i=from; i<to; i++)
            _transactionIds[i - from] = transactionIdsTemp[i];