Three weeks ago we went on a trip to the mighty Arenal Volcano in the San Carlos region of Costa Rica. By we, I really mean we. We, 9 whole friends from the cohort, including Manali and her whole beautiful family. In what can only be described as sheer insane turn of events, Manali and her family lost Luke on that trip to a sudden heart attack. The seemingly inviting mountain roads we've been gawking at like tourists suddenly turned threatening, taunting us with just how long it takes you drive those winding roads, the space between pivotal moments.

Everybody processes in different ways. I was, am, and continue to be inspired by Manali's family. Families like hers makes me hopeful for the future. Parents like Manali, like PJ, and like Aleks make me think it's all going to be ok - these next generations are loved and nurtured and intention-ed. This one came out easily: I see Luke, smiling down and guarding over the family. I think of how in the last moments before we met up with Manali and the rest of the crew from the trail, those of us waiting saw a flock of toucans hanging out in a nearby tree. I think of our time in the hot springs and the waterfall.

Thank you for spending this painful yet incredibly meaningful time with us.
