Moriba Jah

Moriba Jah's TED Recommendations

Needed: Rules of thumb for avoiding collisions in space | Aerospace America

Full interview with Moriba at TACC (1:05)

Space environmentalist.

notes (anonymous): Flotsam and jetsam of space, Not an alarmist / message of hope

notes (so): Astrodynamatist. Tracks motion of objects in space. Roughly 500.000 object circling the earth. We only track objects larger than the size of a cellphone. That's roughly 26.000 - of those only 2000 function and have a purpose and work - the rest is trash. Most of what we send up never comes back. Space-time (and curvature) creates what can be thought of as space highways (with finite space) , but there are no rules.

Also, Information on traffic and object is not shared (or agreed upon). Astriagraph - tries to solve that problem. Crowdsourced near real-time near earth tracking system. Nasa recognizes 90 spacefaring nations.

This leads to conflicting and disparate data sets. In absence of a agreed upon framework to monitor actors (=nations) and objects we risk using technology for humanity's benefit.

Challenges to addressing the problem in near earth space:

Wanted to become a biologist. Wanted to help create the cure for Aids. Loves the power that comes with knowledge. Was military police for four years in Montana, guarding missiles. Eventually wanted work at Jet propulsion lab, orbital mechanics. Went to UofC Boulder - George Born gave him chance in spite of of his test GRE scores - he believed in Moriba. Sometime in 2004 went to a conference on Maui and fell in love with it. Relocated . His job became to classify objects as debris or not-debris.

"There is a culture of sustainability that resides with indigenous people." Inuit, Hawaiians, have figured out how to live in balance with the environments. This knowledge is formally referred to as TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) . How can we apply that knowledge or approach to solve this problem?

Indigenous cultures have survived, learned and adapted and lived in balance with nature for thousands of years - they have shown how to survive. As we consider colonies in space or on Mars we need to consider and use that knowledge. "Being in balance with the environment is critical for our own survivability" (wherever we go?!)

If nothing changes we are heading for a tragedy of the commons and space as envision for use by countries and corporation will not be useable much longer. Also, whenever we launch something into space it will be like crossing an interstate blind-folded.

Examples of those "highways" are the low earth orbit (up to 12KM altitude), geostationary orbit (up to 35Km altitude), used for GPS and weather satellites. There is also a junk or graveyard orbit (intentionally used for junk) - see animation below. The space highway's like shipping lanes in the ocean in terms of pre-determined lanes that take into account currents and weather, depth.

For reference, the ISS is in an orbit at 340Km altitude.