<aside> 👋 I use this tool to help me manage my Budgets and the new Salary Sorter that's just launched.

It enables you to calculate how much money you should set aside for your budget (by category and in total) and how much money you need to leave in your main account, once you've moved your salary payment into pots + savings.

To edit these figures, create a notion.io account, then clone this template using the Duplicate button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

If you have any questions about using this tool, you can add a comment or ask them here.

The figures and items in this guide are completely made up 🙂


<aside> 📑 To copy this template into your own workspace, open this link in a new tab https://www.notion.so/Monzo-Community-Budgeting-Tool-guide-c849b48f9b2f4204a0be2f0f33dd5e2d




Main budget



You can use the totals next to the Pot's names to work out how much to move to each Pot, using the Salary Sorter.


Summary views

Use these views to quickly see which expenses are included in which groups and the total cost of every expense in these groups.