Minutes of Member meeting of Hack Manhattan, Inc.

Meeting held on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

  1. The meeting was held at 19:41:46 & called to motion by Jay Li, President.
  2. Members in attendance were: Robert O'Connor, Jay Li, Shwetha Jayaraj, Brian Recchia, Guan Yang, Michael Semko, Jeff Draper, Peter Shenkin, E. Lee, Sam! Bonfante, Drew Kario, Kent Taylor II,
  3. Proxies were addressed respectively: Rob Diamond & Ron Koder, Gadi, Chaz, Rob Johnson, AGV, Kevin D Steele II, and Beads to Guan, Jay, Brian, Lee, Shway, Drew Kario, and Semko.
  4. Visitors in attendance were: mz, Victoria K.
  5. Please refer to the wiki for detailed description of proposed agenda:
  6. The Consensus Agenda was passed on 19:47:40 EDT.

Meeting 2021-03-30

Voting Results

  1. The Consensus Agenda was passed on 19:47:40 EDT with no motions against, thereby placing the Hack Manhattan Code of Conduct now in effect.
  2. The second item of business was voted upon being mz's re-induction into Hack Manhattan as member. After discussion ensued on the membership & conduct of said sponsored member, the motion to induct mz back into Hack Manhattan passed with a vote of 11 in favor, 9 against, & 2 abstains.
  3. The vote on the amendment of Rule 5(a) passes & addition of Rule 5(f) now in effect unanimously.
  4. The third item of business was voted upon being Jay Li's coins & fundraising efforts. After discussion on the controversial nature of challenge coins in particular, the motion to continue production of coins for fundraising & commemorative efforts passes with a vote of 12 in favor, 8 against, & 2 abstains.

Board Reports

  1. Treasurer's Report:
    1. Still catching up with the books but overall reports of progress on record-keeping of treasury matters.
    2. Went over the costs and possible options on the topic of the move & what that would look like are still a point of further understanding.
    3. Stated the necessity of a true poll so that we can get fair consensus on what the actual membership decides.
  2. Secretary Reports:
    1. Re-activating all social media accounts including but not limited to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & now Tiktok.
    2. Reports on what membership would like Hack Manhattan's to be and re-purposing it given current membership and collective vision.