Audio journaling & wellness insights app powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP).

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**Name:** Monolog: Wellness Insights

**Role:** Experience design, visual design, iOS mobile design

**Timeline:** April 2020 - Present

**Tools:** Figma

What is Monolog?

<aside> πŸ’‘ Monolog was made for people like us: fast-paced individuals who want to learn more about themselves.


Monolog is an audio journaling and wellness insights app powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP). Our goal is to empower individuals to understand the why in their emotional fluctuations. We know it’s OK to have ebbs and flows in your mood, but who or what causes those changes in your mood?β€” and better yet, what are we going to do to act on that knowledge in the future? Download Monolog HERE!

My role

I joined Monolog in April 2020 as the founding product designer. As the only designer on the team, I was responsible for identifying user needs based on current and previous research, redesigning the iOS app interface, creating a new visual identity, and iterating my design based on feedback from users and developers.

The Problem

<aside> πŸ—’οΈ Journaling can be inconvenient, unresponsive and even stressful.


Our user research found that 60% of people have tried journaling, but only 15% of this group can satisfactorily maintain their journaling practice.