We in no way wish to be extensive in this list or offend anyone for not being brought to our attention yet! Some firms just stick out due to their business model approach, innovation readiness or branding.

Lawyers and lawfirms ⚖️

🔻 Actuate Law

🔻 AContrario

🔻 Advo-Recht

🔻 Airaksinen

🔻 Arktis Law

🔻 Aptum

🔻 Arty

🔻 Arzinger

🔻 Ashurst

🔻 Aspect Legal

🔻 Atrium

🔻 Bech - Bruun

🔻 Bold

🔻 BrandMeester

🔻 Brightman

🔻 Chao Legal

🔻 Crimilex