🧭 Mission

To increase the value in the world by building decentralised, positive-sum financial products.

Or, more briefly:

<aside> 🌎 We make the world richer, together.


🔭 Vision

Our vision is to build best-in-class, positive-sum financial products. We want to be a place where anyone who wants to grow their money can find something that fits their needs and risk preferences.

Our customers are always going to want higher returns, lower risks, and better UX. Those are the three things we’ll constantly optimise for.

⚖️ Values

Positive-sum. This is our foremost value. We will benefit everyone instead of selfishly maximising our own payoffs. We collaborate, not crush, other protocols. ******Above all, we build only products that make all users better off.

🚫🤑 Anti-greed. Many teams in crypto want to make a quick buck. But we’re builders, not grifters. We promise to put the long-term health of the ecosystem above our own personal gain.

🕓 Long-term. The transition to a decentralised world will take time to manifest, and it’s important for us to keep an appropriately long-term view. We should not concern ourselves with short-term wins or losses. Instead, we should focus on consistently shipping good products, growing the community, and building a better, wealthier world.

🔍 Question everything, improve everything. All too often, projects slavishly copy popular ideas/memes to try and chase trends. Instead of copying ideas without critical thought, we carefully evaluate them from first principles, change the things that don’t make sense, and then build them out to maximise total value. This ensures that we bring true value to the community and the world.

☀️ Radical transparency. We try to work with the garage door up wherever possible. And we don’t over-claim: see Pitching out corrupts within, Anti-Marketing. “Focus publicly on the least rosy parts of one’s projects — what’s confusing, what’s frustrating, what’s not working."