Council Milestone Assessment Procedures

Each grant proposer will be required to submit a set of milestones by which the community can judge the progress of the proposer’s project. Milestones enable the proposer and the community to achieve consensus on discrete indicators of good-faith effort to achieve the aims set forth in a proposal.

Each project may have benchmark milestones and a small number of critical milestones.

Benchmark Milestones

Critical Milestones

Builders: benchmark milestones should be designated for monitoring over the course of one year. Proposers need not articulate critical milestones that require a full year to accomplish; however, the quality of benchmark milestones that enable the community to track project progress may be taken into consideration by the Sub-Committee when scoring a grant application.

Growth Experiments: benchmark milestones should be designated for monitoring over a timeframe articulated by the proposer in the grant application, which should encompass the duration of the distribution of the grant and beyond. Critical milestones should be designated within a 3-6 month period after the date of grant distribution.

Milestone Reporting

During the Final Review of a grant cycle, the Council will determine a set of benchmark milestones and critical milestones with each grantee eligible to receive a grant (based on the final ranking of grant applications). The Council will publish a list of approved milestones to accompany the Grant Review Roundup in the following format:

Project Milestone Type Milestone Source of Truth Deadline