In order to structure our project to the best of our ability for Semester Two, we will be using the Agile methodology.

Why have we chosen this method?

We propose to use the Agile methodology to structure our project because it allows us to rapidly fulfil each stage and allow for persistent evaluation throughout. This ensures that we are consistently reflecting on what is working and what isn’t, enabling us to make changes or fixes where necessary.

The structure of our project will consist of 6 main stages:


  1. Requirements
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Review

Our Methodology:

Within this road-map, we have elaborated on each phase of our agile method, involving every task we need to carry out from Requirements to Launch. The methodology allows us to revisit stages of production and keep track of our objectives.

Timeline Workflow.jpg

Next Steps:

Our next steps for this project in the beginning of Semester Two will involve considering our requirements in detail, to be able to design the game in line with our original intentions. We have set aside time during the first week to refine our design, specifically interactions and visuals, which is demonstrated within our week-by-week schedule on the following page. To pinpoint player interactions, we will carry out user surveys to understand what players would like to do in the space most, in terms of what makes them feel calm yet remain focused. The emotions of the player during each stage of the experience are most important to us.

Once we have established these interactions, we can refine our gameplay experience and clarify each aspect in depth, also considering visuals, sound and haptics to maintain fluidity across all relative components. We will consider the potential interactions in our Mixed Reality environment as well as the methods of player input. This could involve using touch controllers to interact with regulation practices or take advantage of motion sensors and gesture control which we explored during Semester One.