Bruineberg, J., Seifert, L., Rietveld, E., & Kiverstein, J. (2021). Metastable attunement and real-life skilled behavior. Synthese199(5), 12819-12842

🚀 Article in 3 Sentences

  1. Studying behaviour through ‘Metastable Attunement’ allows us to bridge the gap between the influence of past experiences and influences of the present on skillful behaviour
  2. “Skilled agents will often act in a metastable zone that allows them to keep their options open by remaining poised over multiple possibilities for action simultaneously. By remaining in a state of metastable attunement they can switch among affordances smoothly when something changes either on the side of the agent or in the environment”
  3. We can encourage the players to be in metastable zones through our practice design. By constraints manipulation and through designing a field of ‘promoted actions’


This was a brilliant paper and there was so much to takeaway from it. The concept of ‘metastable attunement’ is really interesting

🎾How Article will influence my coaching

👨‍🏫Who should read this

This is a great article for anybody that is involved in coaching/teaching/art/architecture etc. There is quite a lot of information in it and you would need to have quite a good understanding of Ecological Dynamics to understand some of the concepts