Recording (last talk of the day):

Title: Lessons learnt & the future of DAOs

Summary (long):

RnDAO started 18 months ago with the intention of researching and practicing DAOing by bridging learnings across Web3, Academia, and previous experiments in progressive organisation. This talk will present a summary of our mistakes, learnings, and visions for the future of DAOs and organisations at large.

Summary (medium e.g. for a tweet):

We'll present a summary of RnDAO's mistakes, learnings, and visions for the future of DAOs and organisations at large after 18 months of researching and practicing DAOing by bridging learnings across Web3, Academia, and self-management.

Bio (medium):

Daniel is an organisation designer and governance nerd, having spent the last decade exploring the future of organisations. He's an instigator at RnDAO, co-lead at TogetherCrew, and previously was head of governance at Aragon, consulted for Google, BCG, and Daimler on system design and innovation, and was a visiting lecturer at Oxford University.

Bio (short):

Daniel is an organisation designer and governance nerd. He's an instigator at RnDAO and co-lead at TogetherCrew.

Daniel's Headhsot:

RnDAO Logo:

RnDAO Profile Picture - Large.png