On your Edit your account listing(s) page, to add a new property from your Airbnb account start by:

  1. Selecting your desired property and click on the Manage button to bring you to the Manage your Airbnb account page.


  2. On the Manage your Airbnb account page, you can choose to:

    To import a new property from your Airbnb account:

    1. Select an Airbnb listing and click on the Import as new button


    2. Click Confirm once you are ready


    To merge a property with an existing property with a listing from Airbnb:


    1. Select an Airbnb listing from the Selected Airbnb listings container and

    2. Select the property you want to merge with from the Existing properties container

    3. Click on the Merge button

    4. You will see a pop up message for you to


      • Select the name that you would like to keep
      • Select the address you would like to keep
    5. Click on the Confirm button and you will see the property you have merged located in the Imported properties container.

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