Title: (Title of the Experiment)

Coingecko Ads

Owner: (The person submitting and taking lead on the experiment, typically yourself)


Channel: (In which marketing channel will this experiment take place? i.e. Paid, Social, Referral, Email, Media/Podcast, PR/Press, Content, Business Development)

Paid Ads - Coingecko

Hypothesis: (1-2 sentence overview of why you believe this is a strong risk/return experiment for the Index Coop. If successful, [variable] will increase by [impact] because...)

Coingecko has become a large part of the crypto trader data stack and attracts all of our core personas. If successful, advertisements will generate purchase-converters from our sales page, interest via the content on our sales page for click-converters, and awareness via impressions

** Context: (More information surrounding the execution of the experiment)

  1. Gather pricing info on Coingecko Self-Serve Ads

  2. Gather creative and copy + variations

  3. Run Experiment for 5 days ($2500 spend)

How to Measure: (How will you measure success and track attribution)

Track spend against impressions, clicks, purchases → CPM, CPC, CAC