What is Mega Hackathon?

Mega Hackathon is a blockchain hackathon co-organized by USC CSSA Career Development and Northwestern University Blockchain Group, and it is also the largest student hackathon so far. Our prize pool is

Mega Hackathon是USC CSSA职发部Northwestern University Blockchain Group合办的区块链黑客松,也是目前规模最大的student Hackathon。比赛设有

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USD, and will be a series of Speaker Events, Technical Workshops, NFT raffle, NFT Merchandize and other benefits and community building.

The Mega Hackathon will run for four weeks (until July 8) starting June 15. The race will be 100% online to ensure that participants from all over the world get a fair chance. The four tracks of the Mega Hackathon are


Mega Hackathon将从6月15日开始,为期四周(至7月8日)。赛事将以100%线上的形式进行,以确保来自世界各地的参赛者都能获得公平的机会。本次Mega Hackathon的四个赛道分别为

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The event is dedicated to building an efficient communication bridge between investors and young developers, and providing more opportunities for young people with passion and enthusiasm to communicate and collaborate.


Why should YOU join

how to submit/submit what

judging criteria


Past Events Recordings

Upcoming Speaker Event & Workshops

Get an NFT

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a huge thank you to our sponsors, partners, and friends for making this possible!


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