
OKR: Should you use them for setting goals?

Trackable Footprints Come From User Observation

The best UX metrics we’ve ever found have all come from observing users. We see the users do something and ask *“How often does that happen in real life?”*This is how we’ve uncovered hidden treasure troves of millions of dollars in retail websites. We’ve also found under-read content on content marketing sites and under-utilized functionality in enterprise applications. We’ve found workflows that were super complicated and creating undue friction to helping the users achieve their objective.

When we’ve just drawn inferences from analytics, we end up chasing Woozles and getting nowhere. By starting with user observations and identifying footprints to build our UX metrics, we create powerful tools for measuring how our designs work.

UX Metrics: Identify Trackable Footprints and Avoid the Woozles

4 Steps to Defining GREAT Metrics for ANY Product - Hacker Noon

  1. Mapping the journeys: To begin, lets get an overview of piece the customer/s journey
  2. **Responsibility: **Lets identify who is responsible for every aspect
  3. **Measuring success: **It's hard to improve what we don't measure
  4. Our trajectory:
  5. Improving
    1. How would we prioritise all the opportunities to adjust how we impact a customer touchpoint? Is there a touchpoint that's doing really poorly, is there one we think we could drastically improve easily?
    2. Map out the opportunities in terms of potential value and difficulty