Download sysstat

sudo apt-get install sysstat

Enable Data Collecting

sudo vi /etc/default/sysstat
change ENABLED="false" to ENABLED="true"
save the file
sudo service sysstat restart

Now systat is collecting data.

The logs are usually here


When we run load test on a system we can ask sar to record the system stats

sar -o system_stats 5 20

We record system stats every 5 seconds for 20 iterations and write it to a file system_stats.

We can now use this file recorded and plot it graphically


First we convert the recording to text since it has been written in binary format.

sar -A -f system_stats > system_stats.txt
chmod 755 system_stats.txt

For plotting use the following web tool

sar chart

Upload the system_stats.txt file here and it will generate the System Report.