
On 7 January 2022, the European Union Commission (Commission) officially removed Mauritius from its list of high-risk third countries which identifies third-country jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies in their Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing regimes that pose significant threats to the financial system of the European Union1.

This follows the October 2021 Plenary Session during which the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concluded that Mauritius had strengthened the effectiveness of its AML/CFT regime and addressed related technical deficiencies identified by the Commission and the FATF and removed Mauritius from its grey list.

The removal of Mauritius from the EU’s list will enhance Mauritius’ status as a leading jurisdiction in the global financial services industry and reinforce its position as a notable investment destination and domicile of choice for structuring cross-border investment into Africa and Asia.

  1. COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/... of 7.1.2022 on amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1675 supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards adding Burkina Faso, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jordan, Mali, Morocco, the Philippines, Senegal and South Sudan to the table in point I of the Annex and deleting The Bahamas, Botswana, Ghana, Iraq and Mauritius from this table.