Every player starts the game with 5 health points. When a player’s health point reaches 0, he is eliminated from the game. The last player standing wins the game.


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1️⃣ Purchase Additional Stance

2️⃣ Current Round

3️⃣ Current Phase & Countdown Timer

4️⃣ Opponents Info & Remaining Health Point

5️⃣ Available Stance


6️⃣ Battle Board

7️⃣ Player Remaining Health Points

8️⃣ Reserve Area

9️⃣ Gold & Hero Pool

Each round consists of three different phases: Preparation, Assemble, Battle.

Preparation Phase At the beginning of the match, each player is granted 5 gold and at the end of each round, each player is granted an additional 5 gold plus 20% of their last gold inventory (rounded down).

In this phase, players have 30 seconds to prepare for battle. They must ensure everything is in place within 30 seconds as the player will not be able to make further adjustments when the preparation phase ends.

A player could perform the following actions during this phase:

  1. Purchase Hero from Hero Pool

    Purchase Hero.gif

  2. Purchase Additional Slots

    Purchase Stance.gif

  3. Move Hero from the “reserve” area onto the board

    to board.gif

  4. Sell Hero


  5. Re-roll Hero Pool


  6. Lock Hero Pool until the next round


  7. Click on Hero to check stats and skills

    Check stats.gif

Assemble Phase

A 5 seconds buffer time between Preparation Phase and Battle Phase. The player cannot perform any action that could impact the battle result. (Player can still re-roll & lock the hero pool).