Currently the AreaButler Map-Snapshot API supports the creation of a map snapshot for the given location and extraction of its data. The location could be specified either by providing its coordinates or the known address. It is also possible to retrieve necessary data from an existing snapshot.

The POST request should be sent to create a snapshot and fetch its data:

URL: <>
Header: KEY: X-Api-Key | VALUE: provided-api-key
Request body parameters:
    // The id of the existing snapshot
    snapshotId: 64dcb5ba5ecb9ff816cbd96c

    // OR

    // Location data
    address: Schadowstraße 55, Düsseldorf
    // OR
    lat: 51.2265311, lng: 6.7842183

    // The id of the existing snapshot which will be used as a template for a new one
    templateSnapshotId: 64dcb5ba5ecb9ff816cbd96c

    // The type of the response data
    // Available options – 'qr_code', 'direct_link', 'iframe_code',
    // default – 'direct_link'
    responseType: qr_code

    // The POI types been used
    // Available options – 'bar', 'bus_stop', 'chemist', 'clinic', 'dentist', 'doctors',
    // 'favorite', 'fitness_centre', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'kindergarten', 'kiosk', 
    // 'motorway_link', 'park', 'playground', 'post_office', 'property', 'restaurant',
    // 'school', 'sports_centre', 'sports_hall', 'station', 'supermarket',
    // 'swimming_pool', 'theatre', 'university', 'hotel', 'pharmacy', 'attraction',
    // 'multi-storey', 'underground', 'surface', 'museum', 'charging_station',
    // 'wind_turbine', 'tower', 'pole', 'pub'
    poiTypes: ["fitness_centre", "motorway_link"]

    // The number of POIs per category to be extracted
    // From 1 to infinity, default – 5

    // The transportation mode
    // Available options – 'walk', 'bicycle', 'car', default – 'walk'

    // The maximum distance from the central point
    // From 1 to 2000 meters (if 'm' is used as a unit)

    // The distance unit
    // Available options – 'm', 'km', 'min', default – 'min'

The response contains the following body:

  "input": {
    "coordinates": {
      "lat": 51.2265311,
      "lng": 6.7842183
    "address": "Schadowstraße 55, 40212 Düsseldorf, Deutschland"
  "snapshotId": "64dcb5ba5ecb9ff816cbd96c",
  "result": "<http://localhost:3001/embed?token=a4b88d095da67a9>..."

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AreaButler | WebApp

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