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consilience: [noun] the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a comprehensive theory.

Token engineering is an emerging discipline in the overlap between the social institution of engineering and web3 token ecosystems. As with any emerging technology, there is still a lot of uncertainty around the practice but it is already clear that these systems are deeply entangled with social and economic systems. However, while crypto-economics is interdisciplinary by nature, it has so far predominantly been developed in the computer science community. The economic assumptions made and methods used in most existing protocols are rather limited compared with the existing body of relevant literature. There is still much room to incorporate methods from various economic disciplines. Consilience and Integral theories. In ‘Consilience: the Unity of Knowledge’, biologist E.O. Wilson suggests that different avenues of evidence could link together to create a common groundwork of explanation in the search for human wisdom. Wilber’s Integral theory on the other hand, tries to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching

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