Below is a suggest script to use for filming a Productboard overview video for your teams.


Our goal through this demo is to show you what has been set up in Productboard and to enable you as a user to be confident in using Productboard. We have been working with your team leads over the last several weeks to make decisions around the set-up of Productboard and how we can best use this new tool to support our processes.

High-Level Overview

As we mentioned, there are four board in Productboard [Walk through very quickly on each board on the left hand side]

Features Board

As mentioned in the slides earlier, the Features board is where the product hierarchy or your product backlog lives and is central to Productboard. Between your team leads and our Product Operations team, we have decided on the following hierarchy to represent our backlog:

[Walk through the Hierarchy set-up]

It is also easy to move things around if you want to update where it currently sits in the hierarchy

[Show how to drag components / features within the hierarchy]

There are different ways for you as a user to customize how you’re viewing the hierarchy. Productboard is really flexible and allows you to sort, filter, and search through the product hierarchy really easily. [Walk through how to sort, filter, search on the hierarchy] You can sort the list depending how you want to view the hierarchy. You can filter if you want to narrow down on a specific data point. If you want to search for your line item, you can also use the search bar and it will refine the list.

This customization is really important if you want to have your own view; in Productboard, you can save a view to capture the board’s current configuration if you want to have that view for reference later or if you want to share with others. You can do this in two ways. [Walk through how to create a view] If you’re on an existing view and you’re filtering/sorting/searching, the “Save View” button will pop up on the top right; you can click on the down arrow to “Save as New”. Just note that if you just click “Save View”, the changes will be reflected to everyone that has access to that view -- so if the changes are only specific to you, then it is best to save as a new view. The second way to create a view is to go to the top left where you will see all of the views you have access to. You can click the option at the bottom if you want to create a new view.

By default, a view will be private to you. But if you want to share the view, you can click on the ellipsis / three dots beside the view name and access the sharing settings. [Walk through how to share a view] You can share to individuals or teams, or more broadly to roles. Our team has created standard views so that you and your teams can easily access them and know what needs to be inputted at each stage.

[Walk through the standard views created]

If you click on a feature, you’ll be able to see all of the feature details about this line item in this feature card. You can assign an owner to this feature card, as you’ll see in the bottom of the feature card. Now, let’s walk through the feature columns one-by-one, so you know how we’re representing our features details in Productboard.

[Walk through the feature details / columns available for a feature]

At the bottom of the feature card, there is also a comments section. You are able to @mention a colleague and use this space as a way to communicate with someone about the feature or to provide a quick update to whoever views this feature. In addition to the owner, you can also add followers to this feature so that they are notified for any changes to this feature.