The first version of your guided selling app will most likely not be the best. But don't let that stop you from launching it. Going live will help you measure and improve your app.

To do so, you'll need to gather the relevant analytics information in order to draw conclusions on how to optimize your app.

You can start by looking at the app's performance in the Aiden Analytics section. Additional deep-dives will be available if you set up your Google Analytics integration.

<aside> 💡 Find out more: Monitor key insights within Aiden

Gather insights with your CRM/CDP

How to interpret your app's performance


Things to monitor and ask yourself after the launch:

  1. Are we getting the expected amount of users?

    Are lots of users visiting the page that features the start button, while only a mere fraction actually uses the application? This could indicate that the start button doesn't stand out enough. Try changing the color, or experiment with different placement on the page — or elsewhere on your website.

  2. Does the application convert well?

    Do you notice that many users do not click through from the advice page to your webshop? There can be several reasons for this. By experimenting with, for example, the text or color of the CTA button or tweaking the advice in terms of content, you can investigate whether the conversion improves.

  3. Does the application lead to actual purchases?

    For this, it's helpful to keep a starting point or benchmark in mind: what you would normally sell (without the guided selling application)? If you see that the use of the application is increasing, but the amount of purchases is not, it may be time to experiment with the content of the application and the advice page.

  4. How is the user experience within the tool itself?

    Does the vast majority of users make it to the advice page? That's a great indicator that your application works well!

    Do lots of users start over from the advice page to 'redo' the application? This could indicate that the advice isn't entirely clear yet. Or that users would like to play around with the tool some more. This could be a reason to experiment with different content.

<aside> 👉 Need more help? Check out all of our tutorials in Help & Support and feel free to reach out to us through [email protected].
