If you can handle the smaller shapes but are having difficulty keep them aligned together, causing some of them to feel slightly floating or disconnected, try thinking about the overall shape that they form.

By Khashif Moore

By Khashif Moore


The teal lines indicate the building underneath, which, arguably, hard to see, but we only need one angle of the front most corner, and the angle of the roof on the right side to extrapolate the angle of the plane of the overall building. All shapes should seem like they sit atop the same plane.


But where do I start if I'm can't sketch these lines in? We're drawing in ink!



Even if you don't sketch these lines in, you should kind of visualize pieces of it on the page as soon as you draw your first 3D object/boxy shape OR even the first plane you draw.

Some people who draw like to call this an anchor point, and I refer to it as a "landmark".

For more on this, I have my other page on where to start:

Where to Start to avoid sketching

