🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences

Kamal Ravikant, in a particularly dark patch of his life, made a vow for himself; to treat himself as someone who he truly and deeply loves and cares about. The practice itself was fundamentally simple - to repeat again and again the mantra of "I love myself" until he really did believe in those words. What came next could only be described as magical, as he grew to be healthy, fit again, and happy.

🍀 What is the key takeaway?

Thought loops can be visualized as a pathway that is laid down through constant use. With enough time and intensity, even a minor groove in a rock can be forged into a river. That is why the simple phrase of "I love myself" is so effective; repeating it with emotional intensity creates grooves in your mental river, making it strong and deeper each time.

✍ My Top 3 Quotes

<aside> 💡 "In fact, if you're ever going through a rough patch, dial up your rituals. Meditate more than once...Make your day a constant practice of the ten breaths. This will help you pull out"


<aside> 💡 "The key, at least for me, has been to let go. Let go of the ego, let go of attachments, let go of who I think I should be, who others think I should be. And as I do that, the real me emerges"


<aside> 💡 "The thing is, when life just works for a while, you get used to it and you think it'll stay that way. Recency bias. When things suck, when you're deep in it, it seems like they will suck forever"
