πŸ‘ˆ Solutions

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Evidence shows that technology alone will not save us from climate change, we need widespread behavior change, social and institutional change, reconfigure cities and towns, infrastructure, food systems, why and how we buy, the way we heat and power our homes... All of this being very disruptive, we need to work with people to convey how important it is to change and how we can work to make that manageable, otherwise, we risk protests and backlash.

Lorraine Whitmarsh

<aside> πŸ’‘ Behavioral Change, Climate Action, Psychology



Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh is an environmental psychologist, specializing in perceptions and behavior in relation to climate change, energy, and transport. She is Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST). She has also created the Climate Change Education Research Network to connect academic researchers and educators to address the big questions in Climate Change Education.

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Key Figures

Informational approaches are 2-3% effective in changing behavior, nudges are 25% on average

80% of the public are really worried about climate change and willing to take action

Key points of the interview

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