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Reusable covers made from NWPP - non-woven polypropylene - are rapidly taking their place, and they provide the perfect medium for printing your name and logo on. skyward fbisd This is an excellent and unique branding opportunity that many garage owners are only just catching on to. These covers make the task of promoting your business easy - and what's more they are much preferred by every single mechanic who uses them. NWPP is also available in a wide range of colours, which makes these covers far more eye catching than their flimsy plastic counterparts. Just imagine the promotional effects of having excellent quality, long lasting, bright red seat covers bearing your own business logo. What a striking image to send out! You could even add an eye catching slogan to your covers to really pull the attention in. Don't forget these covers can be hung on the wall when they are not in use, giving you another golden opportunity to promote your business to everyone who walks by. Reusable seat covers may cost more per piece, but their reusable nature means you will save substantial amounts of money very quickly, not to mention greatly reducing the amount of waste your business sends to your local landfill. They are also the perfect way to raise your company's profile by becoming more environmentally friendly - an excellent message to send out to your customers, both past and present. Introducing these reusable seat covers to your business has the double impact of benefiting your image as well as your profits. You won't need to re-order continually as they have a far longer shelf life than single use covers, and your logo will look just as stunning weeks after you buy the covers as it did on the day you received them.


English 001

How it works 🔎

Our formulas are based on a library called math.js, but are setup to work without coding skills.

Days Late

This formula calculates the number of days between the due date and submission. In case of excused tardiness, correct the submission date or delete the formula and turn this column into a simple number.

dateBetween(prop("Due"), prop("Submitted"), "days") * -1

Final Grade

This formula takes late policies into consideration. It also accounts for any tardiness that's been excused.

`prop("Grade") - prop("Days Late") * prop("Late Penalty") * 100 * toNumber(not prop("Excused"))`

Class Grade

This formula calculates points per assignment. The sum is your grade in the class.

`prop("Final Grade") * prop("Weighting")`

âš  Note: If you modify any of the table's properties, you'll need to adjust the above formulas accordingly.