Our long form writing assistant allows users to create content by using a range of different features like Write for me, Instruct AI, Expand Content and more. Our AI takes the existing content from the document along with the instructions and inputs you provide to continue writing the content for you.



The title is used as an input field for the title of the section that you are writing. This can be a title for the whole document or a heading for a blog section. Our AI uses the title along with the Content Brief for context so using these correctly result in higher quality of content generated.

Let’s say we’re creating a blog post on the title - 8 useful TikTok Marketing tactics and the 1st heading is 1. Share High Quality Content and we are working on a blog section for this heading then in the title section we would write 1. Share High Quality Content

Content brief

The Content brief is where you will write details about the kind of content you want AI to generate. This can also be used to write simple instructions for our AI to follow. Think of giving these instructions the same was you would give a human instructions on what and how to write.

The content brief can be used to give context about the whole document or a brief about a specific section of the document. Continuing our blog post example, if you want to give brief for the whole document then you might write something like this for the Content brief:

This is a blog post titled ‘8 useful TikTok Marketing tactics’. In this blog post we will discuss 8 tactics on how to successfully use TikTok as a marketing platform.

This will give the AI context on what this document is about so that it can use it to generate high quality content. Therefore if you are using it for the context of the whole document then you can keep it same but if you using is for the context of a specific section then you will have to continually update it.

Let’s say that we now want to use the Content brief for our first heading 1. Share High Quality Content then our Content brief will be updated to look something like this:

This is a blog section titled ‘1. Share High Quality Content’. This blog section should include examples of high quality and low quality content and some best practices on how to share high quality content on TikTok

Now with this brief we are telling AI that it needs to write section for this heading and also instructing it that it need to include samples of high quality and low quality content and also share some best practices. Content brief is a powerful feature when you want AI to create content following strict guidelines and instructions.

Using Content Brief for giving direct instructions