This page sets out the specific loan offers available in each pool and the current value of other key protocol configurations. Where relevant links are provided to documentation explaining how how these loan terms and configurations work.

Loan terms

A loan term is defined as unique combination of credit score, LTV, loan duration and interest rate. It is only possible to borrow from the protocol by selecting an available loan term. Currently there are 110 unique loan terms in each pool. The loan terms on offer to a borrower are determined by their credit score. Those with good credit scores will benefit from a greater number of loan terms with potentially lower collateral requirements than those with lower credit scores.

Loan parameters

The following parameters apply across all pools and loans equally. For instance a grace period of 5 days is applied to all loans regardless of what pool they originate from, the duration of the loan or the credit score of the borrower.

Grace period 5 days
Interest penalty multiplier x2
RociFi treasury fee 10%

Borrowing limits

More detail on specific borrowing limits is set out in the borrowing section (see here). Note that all borrowing limits are set specifically per pool. For instance ‘Max amount borrowed per user’ is currently $1,500 in both the USDC and UDST pool. Thus a user could potentially borrow $3,000 in total ($1,500 from each pool).

Limit Unit Limit
Max amount available for borrowing from a pool $* 50,000
Minimum loan size $* 1
Max number of loans per user, per pool # loans 2
Max amount borrowed per user : Scores 1 to 10 $* See

*Note that $ indicates the value is set in the stablecoin amount of that pool. e.g. a minimum loan size of $1 in the USDT pool is set as 1 USDT.