πŸ“Œ Program Overview

The LinkedIn Bootcamp is an online workshop that gives women returning to the workforce an opportunity to update their LinkedIn profiles. Employers in every industry uses LinkedIn to find candidates, and it is important to make sure your LinkedIn profile shows your skills and experience clearly. Simple Steps will host LinkedIn Bootcamp for those who want to create, or revise their LinkedIn profile for 4 weeks in April 2021. Boot Camp participants will learn how to create a strong LinkedIn profile and how to use LinkedIn as a primary tool for job searching and networking.

πŸ“Œ Target Audience

This program is for anyone that wants to use Linkedin for job searching. If you haven't set up a profile yet, this is a good place to start. If you already have a profile, but want to update it and learn how to use it effectively, you are more than welcome. You need to have basic computer skills and access to LinkedIn to complete this course.

πŸ“Œ Outcomes

  1. Understand what is LinkedIn
  2. Update your Linkedin Profile including Pictures.
  3. Increase their connections on Linkedin and build a larger network
  4. Get 1:1 feedback from recruiting professional

πŸ“Œ Schedules

Week 1. Understanding LinkedIn and Creating LinkedIn profile (4/2)

Week 2. How to Use LinkedIn features to Network (4/9)

Week 3. Focusing on About Me & Experiences Section (4/16)