Essentially recreate Pinboard service

By recreating Pinboard link manager, users can use their link database to easily create & collaborate on study guides.

great way to do the design of the link showing

add api to ‘complete a link’. completed links can have comments optionally added

should ignore duplicate links or give warning (What happens if I import the same bookmarks twice?)

should also replace Pocket, via share sheet you can add links with check tag and links with the tag will be treated specially inside web & mobile apps (can easily go through the list of links and read in-app-browser for mobile)

Allow reading/import of RSS feeds so LA can be used as a way to add links from RSS to LA with certain tag. Inspired by this post.

should check for pinboard client, check UX/API, see what we should repicate

ability to import/overview browser history to quickly add links to LA from browser history

ability to ignore a link. ignored links will not be showing up in lists/guides from other users (or optionally be able to show ignored links)

ability to save session. move all tabs in window to LA in sessions so user can then go review it and add appropriate things to LA db or open session(s) in browser

as users can add comments (separate from descriptions) to links. we can aggregate all LA users comments on any of the unique links to get different notes/perspectives on a link

suggested tags. like book, course as the link was already tagged & marked as such

have way to import starred content from different sources (HN, Twitter, ). inspired by this article

can do nesting of tags as .. So art.favorite-artists as example.