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Top Ideas for reversing aging

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What is aging?

young cell –> old cell

young cell –> old cell

In an old person cells are loosing identity. It's like a nerve cell is starting to partially become a skin cell.

Genetic information is digital (four A,C,T,G nucleobasis). The epigenetic information is analog and this is the part that "scratches". The same way like CD or DVD where scratched.

This are twins mice. Mouse on the right had their epigenetic information "scratched".

this are twins; mouse on the right had their epigenetic information "scratched"

this are twins; mouse on the right had their epigenetic information "scratched"

Dna methalon is measuring how many methyl groups that are pairing with C cytosine is a very easy predictor of aging. Yamanaka nobel price winer managed to wipe out all the methylations from the dna and reverted the cell to the stemcell. Sinclair talks about his research to reprogram the nerve cell in the mouse retina and grow a damaged one back. Main particles that helps revert aging: mnm (he takes it himself), metomorfin (a diabities drug, lot of trials, takes it himself), rapamcin (more tricky to take, could be toxic).