Welcome to Life at Rocket! πŸš€

This document is your backstage pass to Team Rocket's operations inside Mixmax. If you're new to Mixmax, make sure to check out our comprehensive onboarding guide at β€£. Be sure to reach out to your friendly contact at PeopleOps to get access, because it's your passport to a successful onboarding journey.


Now, if you're new to Rocket, hold onto your seats because you're in for an exhilarating ride! 🎒 We've got loads of valuable info about the team just a click away β€£, including our roadmap, the fantastic folks you'll be working alongside, essential documentation, and our communication channels. But in this document, we're taking it up a notch. We're about to give you a sneak peek into what it's like to soar with us during a four-week journeyβ€”a rollercoaster of meetings, ceremonies, and all things Rocket. 🌠

Buckle up, because it's going to be an unforgettable adventure! Ready to launch? Let's dive in! πŸš€πŸ’«


Your first day


Welcome to the start of a new sprint! πŸš€ It’s your first day on the team, you check your calendar for the daily standup meeting, and it's... well, empty. No worries, we haven't forgotten about you. As it turns out, we've got a little twist - most of our daily standups are done asynchronously.

We've set up shop in Slack, specifically in the #team-rocket-standups channel, where we share our daily updates following a neat template.

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So, it's simple. You just pick one of the entries from the previous day, copy it over, and replace their answers with your own.

Now, the template isn't just about project updates. It's a space where we spill the beans on what we plan to conquer today, what went down yesterday, and even how we're feeling. We use a RedAmberGreen (RAG) status to let everyone know if we're thriving, okay, or could use a boost. Plus, if there's something extra going on in your world - whether you had a rough night's sleep or you're carrying some stress - this is the place to share (if you're comfortable). We're more than a team; we're a support system.

Mondays have a little extra spice. The β€£ will throw in a surprise question to spice things up and help us get to know each other better. Curious who's running the show this week? You can check our team calendar on Google.

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And if you're itching to check out previous questions and get a peek into the team's vibe, swing by https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOr5aYlk=/ for some bonus info.

With your daily standup report done, it's time to dive into the sprint. Let's get rolling!" πŸŒŸπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Sprint Reviews

Mondays at Rocket always come with a little something extra. In our Slack team channel, we start the week with some valuable information.