
The player is told that he is the owner of this 17-year old PC. This PC stores so much of his early childhood memories, but he barely remembers any of it because its so long ago.

The player's goal will be to find a forbidden file that he keeps recalling, but can't remember what exactly it is.

Areas and phases

Phase 1: Bliss


The player spawns at the center of the map (white), surrounded by the giant models of windows XP desktop icons (yellow). The boundaries of the map (dark green, but in organic shape in the actual game) restricts the player's movement area. A model of hard drive (grey) is among the icons.


The player's goal is to explore the folders among the icons, especially the locked ones, to find one PIN number after another, in order to come up with a final PIN to unlock the secured hard drive, and finally go through it.


The player needs to click open most of the folders and files one by one. He will see his childhood diaries, records of games, old photos, etc. These contents will together depict a mind of a curious, passionate and happy 10 year old kid. They will also emphasize how important the forbidden file is.

Phase 2: Oblivion


The player will enter a dark, foggy and unsettling world through the hard drive entrance (grey). Once in, there's no way back. The files (orange) are much less dense, surrounding the forbidden video file (black) in the middle. All of the files are very fragile and old here, and some of them may break apart when being touched.
