Below you'll find 5 real-life Assemble lesson plans! Each of these lesson plans includes:

🚀 Use chemical reactions to make tiny seltzer rockets

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan Canister Rockets

📦 Hold a cardboard engineering challenge to teach the basics of the design process

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan Cardboard Challenge

🧰 Hack everyday objects into fab new creations!

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan Hacking Objects

🚨 Learn about circuits and create light-up LED pins

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan LED Pins and Wearables

🍌 Turn a Makey Makey into your own game controller

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan Makey Makey

<aside> ⚗️ Ready to try these? Create a copy of one, some, or all of these, and adjust to make them your own!


As you plan days and weeks of programs, we'd definitely recommend putting together your own lesson plans! Here's our template lesson plan for 2020-21. ➡️

If you'd like to use this as a template, make a copy!

EXAMPLE Assemble Lesson Plan Template 2020-21