What is the problem?

This spec started with eduction and copy improvements (nice to haves), but tagging the user reported issues and experiences here too along the way so we can pull the trigger on a week or two of making ledger better.

The initial flow of ledger makes multi account users, particularly on the EVM, confused. There is more than a few users with multiple accounts on multiple wallets. It’s a bit archaic to not support this.





Other wallets?

How do we programatically show this? Is it when it’s imported already and they go to manage accounts menu?

Or do we always show connected chains with a connected wallet, can do again?

How important is the pair button? Connecting wallet opens chains?




Walletconnect (?)

Why are we solving it?

We needed a better wallet experience especially for ledger and wallets with multiple accounts/ Previously this was buried and not very user friendly.

User Requests & User stories