The document discusses the CIP (Career Information Processing) model, which focuses on helping individuals make career decisions and develop decision-making skills. The model includes the Pyramid of Information-Processing Domains, which encompasses self-knowledge and occupational knowledge, decision-making skills, and executive-processing skills. The CASVE decision-making model is also introduced, consisting of communication, analysis, synthesis, valuing, and execution stages. The document highlights the importance of assessing client readiness, defining problems, formulating goals, developing an individual learning plan, and reviewing and generalizing the outcomes. The CIP model is compared to other career theories, such as Krumboltz's social learning theory and social cognitive career theory (SCCT).

πŸ“š Learning Theories

<aside> πŸ“Œ Focus on how your past and present learning experiences influence our beliefs about ourselves, our level of self-efficacy, and the impact of these cognitive processes on our career choices and level of career satisfaction


This chapter emphasizes the messages we internalize about ourselves and the world of work

These messages we internalize in response to learning experiences β€” affect our choices β€” career direction & success in performing work-related stuff

The impact of our learning experiences on our self-efficacy

Thus, let's review self-efficacy first

πŸ—οΈ Bandura's Foundational Learning Theories

<aside> πŸ“Œ SLT β€” how we learn from observation; SCT β€” self-efficacy


Social Learning Theory (SLT)

People learn by observing others β€” observational learning β€” aka vicarious learning

We don't learn just by direct experiences & its consequences β€” but also by observing models, their behaviors and its consequences

SLT has been incorporated in other career development theories, but SCT has an even greater impact

<aside> πŸ“Œ The impact of observation and modeling on a person's learned behaviors


Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

<aside> πŸ“Œ How a person's internal information processing affects their behavior


2 Major Concepts

  1. Triadic Reciprocality

    People (P), Behaviors (B), Environment (E) interact β€” complex, bidirectional model β€” influencing each other

    A person both influences their own behavior and is influenced by it. A person both influences their environment and is influenced by it. The environment both influences behavior and is influenced by it

    A person both influences their own behavior and is influenced by it. A person both influences their environment and is influenced by it. The environment both influences behavior and is influenced by it

  2. Self-Efficacy

    The way people think about themselves β€” and the confidence they have in their ability to perform β€” has an effect on their belief that they can affect their current and future lives

    Self-efficacy has an effect on human agency

    It’s the judgment of one’s capability to accomplish a certain level of performance