
A way to add additional edges to a graph based on the downstream task performance as well as a bunch of interesting connections between different areas of research (Finite State Automata, POMDPs and Successor Representations).


It's not straightforward, how to construct a graph from some relational data (Yes! And sometimes, the default approach can be suboptimal). Automation is good, let's automate this. Pun intended!


source: original paper

source: original paper

Main idea:

<aside> 💡 We would like our agent to be powerful enough to extract useful information from this POMDP, but simple enough that we can efficiently compute and differentiate through the learned trajectories.


Since the authors care about program analysis and regular languages, they use finite-state automata.

To get the adjacency matrix, we need to compute the probabilities of each of the final action $a_T$ in final node $n_T$:

$$ p(a_T, n_T|n_0, \pi_\theta) = \big[\sum_{i\geq0}{HQ^i_{n_0}\delta_{n_0}}\big]{(a_T, n_T)} = H{(a_T, n_T), :}(I-Q_{n_0})^{-1}\delta_{n_0}, $$