In the last few years, the news industry has begun to use the term “product” to broadly describe the varied roles which work together inside organizations to develop innovative ways to serve their audience or to cultivate new audiences. Product teams call for a blend of skills including editorial, technical, and business.

For a more general introduction to product design thinking, see Learn about design thinking)

For an introduction to the technical components that can be part of news product development, see Learn about building websites

Audience Understanding

One of the pillars of design is developing an understanding of and empathy for your “user” — in the case of journalism, “users” have historically been thought of as the “audience,” although as some journalism projects pursue more community and collaborative approaches, the word is a little limiting. We’ll use it here, for now, in the broadest possible sense.

Learning Product Design

Not about news specifically, but then, most of news product design isn't about news specifically