
Dynamic typing, so you don't need to specify.

One number type - 64-bit double, so no need to worry about ints and floats.

3 special not-a-real-number results are Infinity (1/0), -Infinity (-1/0), and NaN (0/0)

Boolean type - true/false

Negation uses !

false, null, undefined, NaN, 0, and "" are falsy; everything else is truthy

Strings - use ' or "

Concatenate with +, which also automatically converts other types

Access characters with string.charAt() and substrings with string.substring(0, 5)

Length is a property of a string, so doesn't require brackets string.length


== performs type coercion, so "5" == 5 //true

=== does not, so "5" === 5 // false


Declare with var

Not required, but otherwise the variable will be declared in the global scope

Set to undefined if not assigned

Arrays are ordered lists of any type, and work as expected

var myArray = ["Hello", 45, true];

Get length with myArray.length

Add/remove with perl-style keywords (push, pop, ...), slice, splice, ...

Join with myArray.join(",")

Objects are the equivalent of dictionaries/maps

var myObj = {key1: "Hello", key2: "World"};

Keys are strings, but quotes aren't required if they're a valid javascript identifier (aka variable name)

Attributes accessed using subscript syntax myObj["myKey"] or dot syntax myObj.myKey (if a valid identifier)

Values that are not yet set give undefined

&& and || short-circuit, so you can set default values

var name = otherName || "default"

Destructuring assignment is an interesting one - lets you easily declare variables directly from object keys

var obj = { a: 123, b: 456, c: 789 };
var { a, c } = obj; // a = 123, c = 789

Logic and Control Structure

If works as you'd expect

if, else if, else

Same with &&, ||

So does while (true) { ... }

Also have do { ... } while () loops