General Information

This brick provides you with an easy interface for creating your own out-of-box and distributed gradient boosted decision tree for your multiclass classification tasks (you can use this brick for binary classification as well, but we would recommend using LBGM Binary instead). Due to its leaf-wise processing nature, the created model can be easily trained on large datasets, while giving formidable results.

The models are built on three important principles:

In this case, the weak learners are multiple sequential specialized decision trees, which do the following things:

All those trees are trained by propagating the gradients of errors throughout the system.

The main drawback of the LGBM Binary is that finding the best split points in each tree node is both a time-consuming and memory-consuming operation.


Brick Locations

BricksAnalytics → Data Mining / AI → Classification Models → LGBM Multiclass

Brick Parameters