Gm frens! Congratulations on getting your L2 status. We hate to ruin the ecstatic moment but it’s only uphill from here. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back to help you out with your new uh...Discord powers!

Some commonly sought after guides:

  1. [L2 Contributors] How to create new Channels and use Reaction Roles
  2. [L2 Contributors] How to create a new Discord category

While giving out a guest pass, please ensure the following criteria:

  1. The peeps have completed first quest (their profile will have a first quest complete tag)
  2. They have introduced themselves properly
  3. Their message doesn’t look like a copy paste of the messages above them (that’s a sign of a bot invasion!)

<aside> 💡 Once you get enough experience, you will be able to ascertain that it’s a person instead of a bot even if they don’t have a first quest complete tag. Sometimes, the mad hatter simply breaks down and stops sending further messages. You can either give them a guest pass (in case they look super convinced to jump in) or if they are a bit lost, ask them to go to #verification and type /start first-quest.


These guest-passes remain active for 14 days alone. Earlier, we were asking peeps if they had been active contributors and if an L2 can vouch for their guest pass renewal; now we measure DAO health by coordinape signups so it’s okay to give a reissuance whenever someone asks.