
Kopa exposes a simple RESTful API to retrieve data from our marketplace. The API operates over HTTPS and all requests/responses are JSON objects.

<aside> ❗ At this time the Kopa API is in beta. This means that the way it works and the data it returns may change semi-frequently. Breaking changes are rare, but do happen. Proper versioning will be introduced in a future release.


Getting Started

  1. Email [email protected] to get an API key. In the email:

  2. Receive the API key within 72 hours

  3. Include your API key in every API call as a header

    curl --request GET \\
      -H "kopa-api-key: 3qau0jq0yrqir9snm1it0d76jy7nq71m" \\
      --url <>?

API Basics

Rate Limiting

You can make up to 1,000 requests every 5 minutes. The returned headers of any API request show your current rate limit status:


Status Codes

2xx Success

4xx Client Errors

5xx Server Errors

API Reference

GET /housemate_posts_count

Gets the number of active housemate posts.
