kolibri studio_channel creation

Kolibri on a Raspberry Pi - HackMD

<aside> ⏲️ -->Process map of kolibri Why do we use to teach

Workflow, how in a system it can work for our needs for educational needs...... How do we get it using, be proactive Papad.. Curated ......local learning and knowledge facilitated through kolibri..can be any form of learning... ...community has its own knowledge, how kolibri makes it sense in it... ....hierarchial learning... For now... A stop gap... ...outcomes as toolkit, collective determine what the context is and how to converge with medha and our way of learning vs synchthing



started using kolibri studio to upload content and sync it on my laptop, seems like a rather long process but once setup should be not too complex

There are three levels of users:

  1. The Material maker, the only user with ability to create new material and publish it
  2. The Instructor/Admin , Controls and manages accounts locally and choses what material to sync (manually)
  3. The user/student, they use the material approved and synced by instructor

content maker

super admin




The process is little manual and has a middle man of Instructor which might be irrelevant for our community based use case and designed more towards mooc being taught in communities. Here the role of Instructor and Material maker is redundant. Need to combine the roles.

The syncing process is very cumbersome and needs the users to manually sync, does not happen automatically. Also sharing new content does need internet and cannot be done locally between devices and the device owner/ instructor has to decide if the content is synced from the cloud or give student have the rights: students / users cant control it seems. So the material maker must have internet while the student also must be connected to internet to get new material.


Admin can give users permission to sync there devices from internet

Multiple people can collaborate on one channel although the notification system appears little finicky and doesn't really inform creators if changes have been made, can create confusion when multiple people are using it.