If you want to contribute... just do it! Don’t ask for permissions. Lead discussions, bring interesting topics and research, help with work and do the work yourself. This will show your expertise in certain topics and move you up into the contributor circle.

<aside> 💡 FOR DEVELOPERS: just introduce yourself in Discord or Telegram and attach a link to your GitHub. Contributors will pick you up and guide by hand. A VIP way to get onboarded!


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Weekly Dev Calls

The devs are doing something.


Danil Reality Eth Proxies

Proxies (zksync and Escrows

JB Coming back from Eth Porto Preparing for Vea launch Reviewing PR from Marino and

Mon 13 Feb

Stake Curate: Features were removed Publish will be made later today

POH v2 - Policy Update Fixing gray areas, lots of contradicting sentences Hire decentralized legal writer

Monday 6 January


Working on V2 with Plinio

Exercised from Intern