Stop Hiring as if we're in the Industrial Age!

Privilege is about access. Underrepresented is about numbers. Marginalised is about treatment of groups. Diversity is about variety. Inclusion is about experience.

Three pillars for building a 21st century leadership


If leadership doesn't buy into it, you're wasting your time. In the information age the value is put on what you know. We need to be creating knowledge from information. We need to get knowledge out of our head to create organisational learning. Tacit knowledge as opposed to explicit knowledge. We can create a strategy around tacit knowledge. Programming as a skill is explicit. My experience is where the value lies. The Angular vs React argument is about the tooling, not the problem or the user.


We won't change tech until we change how we define technical. Organisations are systems and not siloed. All learning is hard and learning a new language is harder. Products and services are not a business. You can't manage what you can't measure. Successful businesses are built on foundations that enable leaders to plan and evolve. Hiring processes should enable us to screen for the knowledge and skills needed for innovation, differentiation and critical thinking. Think about inclusive language. Stop creating barriers to entry. Seek feedback on skills other than programming.


People who: work for you; partner with you; buy from you; invest in you. Businesses need to change culture to absorb rather than assimilate